
Weakday Drifter & Other Writings is a spattering of some of the works that were created, imagined, and/or performed during a time when I was bumping along the bottom, pursuing an acting career in New York City. They are the semi-organized ramblings of a lost, frustrated, developing “creative” with the heart of an artist and the work ethic of a mad scientist. Most of the writings in this collection were written around 1995. Get your copy today: HERE! 

Park Ranger Park is a fantasy fiction, which layers other dramatic and comedic elements (including science fiction & action) to keep readers entertained for hours and the story rocketing forward. 400+ pages of pure delight. Order your copy or read the incredible insightful positive reviews posted on Amazon, or check out more information at ParkRangerPark.comSee some of the GREAT PRESS the book has already gotten, HERE.

Sympathy For The Devil is a twisted genre fiction, which starts off as detective noir, then layers in pop culture, voodoo, and the supernatural. The novel has received amazingly positive feedback & reviews. Available thru Amazon, either paperback or Kindle… It’s a quick “airplane” or “beach” book. Suspense, comedy, drama, supernatural… Read more about it: HERE.

SUBJECT honestly, readers seem to really enjoy it or really hate it, a tale of showbiz celebrity, told in an odd way. Read more about it: HERE.

If you want to add a different spin to your reading, check out Tom’s FREE blog (on this site), or his two books available for purchase through Amazon.